Symbol Goods availability Hostile force
System has min. 1 Artefact Artefact Abundant Abundant Extremely Low Extremely Low
System is occupied by Pirates System is occupied by Pirates Sufficient Sufficient Low Low
Pirate gang in the System Piratengang Scarce Scarce Medium Medium
Side mission Q High High

Daten und Bilder by Isado. Popups und Design by Pawel at planet-fiction.de. Systemkarte by Thor at planet-fiction.de
Original (German version): http://www.planet-fiction.de/fileadmin/dsokarte/karte.html

English version: http://andrewore.web.fc2.com/en/ds1map.htm
Note: the "DS1 universe map" Uploaded by Quantum, download: site1 or site2
Chinese version: http://andrewore.web.fc2.com/ds1map.htm

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